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Platform Partners Evergreen Fund, LLC

Platform Partners’ commingled fund is an opportunistic evergreen fund focused on long-term investments in workforce housing, creative office space, industrial facilities, and for-sale residential assets.

We formed Platform Partners Evergreen Fund to provide high net worth individuals and accredited investors access to real estate investments tailored to create the highest possible risk-adjusted returns for our investors. Fund assets are typically valued between $1 and $10 million, allowing the fund to diversify investments over several markets and asset types to minimize single asset risk.

Platform Partners disciplined approach and distinctive capital preservation method, which is uniquely available to Platform Partners based on its vertically integrated operating platform, generates stable, high-yielding returns to investors while maintaining a substantial buffer to downside risk from market correction.

Platform Partners aligns its interests with the investors by making a meaningful co-investment in the fund, as well as subordinate equity contributions in portfolio assets alongside fund investors. Equity membership units in the fund are offered to Accredited Investors through a Regulation D private placement securities offering.